3 Minutes of reading
March 25, 2024
Loyalty Innovation for Credit Cards
BTG Banking & Coren
With the aim of creating a new retail bank to serve a high-income audience with an exclusive experience, BTG Pactual, the largest investment bank in Latin America, launched BTG Banking with an innovative loyalty program, unlike anything else before. In the following article you will read about the development of BTG Banking's loyalty program through the Coren platform.
Create and launch in just 3 months an innovative loyalty program with a unique and personalized experience for an audience of high-income customers of the group's new retail bank that was being launched:
BTG Banking need
- Create a flexible, modular loyalty program in just 3 months;
- Create a contextual and relevant loyalty program for your customers;
- Give the customer the power to choose different reward types.
Creation of a modular, flexible, contextual and relevant loyalty program where customers can choose the rewards they prefer:

- Cashback in Bitcoin fund;
- Cashback in ESG fund;
- Points in Livelo's coalition program;
- Cashback in Fixed Income Fund;
- Points in the Esfera coalition program;
- Points in the Dotz coalition program.
- Launch of the loyalty program in ¼ of the planned time;
- Increase in spending of 50 to 70% (average ticket) on impacted customers;
- Over 1 million users rewarded and over 75 million transactions processed per year;
- Stability, high availability and 99.999% of transactions processed automatically.

Increase engagement and loyalty in your business

Create automated journeys, target specific behaviors, and reward your audience quickly and easily

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